Post-doc / Schmidt Sciences Fellowship


Post-doc / Schmidt Sciences Fellowship

Le Schmidt Sciences Fellowship permet de financer un post-doctorat et d'être accompagné dans sa carrière scientifique (cf PJ)

Sorbonne Université a la possibilité de proposer 3 candidatures : les dossiers classés seront transmis par mail au Collège doctoral au plus tard le 11 juin, 12h par les ED. Il convient donc d'adresser votre candidature à la Direction de l'EDITE avant le 1er juin, 12 h ( .

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les critères d'éligibilité, les critères utilisés pour la sélection  ainsi que les éléments du dossier de candidature qui devra être rédigé en anglais exclusivement.

Eligibility :

In order to be eligible for nomination to the Schmidt Science Fellows application process, candidates must meet the following requirements :

  • Have conducted their graduate degree in the natural sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences), Engineering, Mathematics, or Computing – and all sub-disciplines therein.
  • Have completed, or expect to complete, all of the requirements for the conferral of their PhD in one of these fields between 01 June 2021 and 30 July 2022.
  • Be available for the entire period of the 2022 program, from July 2022 to September 2023 including attendance of the Global Meeting Series (whether virtual or in person, as conditions allow, and including additional virtual programming).

Applications should include :

  • details of academic history (including transcripts, current CV, relevant publications)
  • four (4) letters of recommendation
  • personal statement outlining your motivations
  • a brief description of your PhD research
  • a proposal outlining your future research plans, and three short outlines of potential labs1 in which they may carry out this research (anywhere in the world in a disciplinary pivot from the PhD). Note that candidates are not required to have contacted any of these potential host labs (although they may choose to do so).

Selection criteria :

  • Extraordinary Achievement : Clear record of academic achievement of the highest quality in the sciences and an extraordinary degree of intelligence.
  • Scientific Curiosity and Innovation : High degree of intellectual curiosity combined with energy and creativity; a record of continuous innovation and/or use of new technologies
  • Alignment with the Program : Interest in pursuing 12-24 months of postdoctoral study in a field different from the applicant’s PhD discipline and a belief that interdisciplinary science and the taking of appropriate scientific risks are important for the advancement of discovery.
  • Collaborative Spirit : History of effective collaboration with diverse team members.
  • Character and Leadership : Genuine and demonstrable potential for science leadership; displayingperseverance, resilience, a moral compass, and a galvanizing force of personality.
  • Global Ambition for Social Good : Desire to use one’s personal talents and science to make a positivedifference in society and the world.